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Botanically speaking, capsicum annuum is the name for varities of sweet peppers and capsicum frutescens is the name for varieties of hot chili peppers.

Commonly known as): African Pepper, Bell Pepper, Bird Pepper, Cayenne, Chili Pepper, Goat's Pod, Mexican Chillies, Paprika, Red Pepper, Tabasco Pepper, Zanzibar Pepper and many more...

For more info check out

yo wilbur is hot man

Oops, sorry that would mean you rate highly on the Scoville Scale which is a rating for the piquancy (or heat) of chili peppers. So the question is, why would a scientist called Wilbur Scoville need to work this out???

If you really need to know more go to

and George sweats because...

Masterchef judge, George Calombaris, gets the gustatory sweats after eating chili which is a common reaction to capsaicinoids chemicals. When we eat chili a signal goes from your nerves to your brain saying something like "whooph, my mouth is burning" (like on that lame KFC advert). The brain then responds by sending various signals to increase your heart rate, release happy endophins and for some like George, profuse sweating to cool you down.

growing up / cooking food / knowing how / feeling good